Reject Luton Airport Stacking
🚨 Latest news - 24 January 2025
We confirm that the government has decided to delay making a decision on the Luton Airport Development Consent Order. More information can be found on the UK Parliament's website here: LINK
Latest news - 14 Dec 2024
MP Ian Sollom has provided vital support to our efforts by sending important letters to relevant organisations on our behalf. You can download these letters here: MP Ian Sollom Letters
Here are Ian Sollom's own words regarding the letters and the proposed London Luton Airport expansion:
"I am writing today to provide an update on my work regarding London Luton Airport expansion and the related AD6 flightpath implementation which has directly affected so many of my constituents. Thank you to all members of the public that took the time to make their voices heard during the consultation period hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which closed in September. On the 17th of October, I wrote to the CAA asking them to provide a comprehensive and detailed response to the issues raised by the public feedback. On the 31st of October, the CAA confirmed that they are now in the process of carrying out a review of the feedback, with a report coming by the end of Q1 2025. While this is good news, I was concerned at the discrepancy between the claim in their response that “the CAA encourages airports to develop effective relationships with their local communities and recognises the information requirements of those communities” and the statement that the holding of London Luton Airport’s Airspace and Noise Week during working hours, in-person in Luton (i.e. making it inaccessible to many working people affected in St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire) was not something they could interfere in. The CAA should not simply encourage airports to have relationships with local communities, but it should ensure that they are taking these relationships far enough. I have now written directly to the Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh, urging her to reject plans to expand London Luton Airport. In my letter, I echoed the issues surrounding quality of life and noise nuisance that I expressed to the CAA, and voiced my concern that the current plans may not include enough regulation of greenhouse gas and non-CO2 emissions with regard to air traffic movements. I also urged her to ensure that the CAA is given appropriate powers to enforce the original AD6 flightpath proposal. I hope that both the CAA and the Secretary of State will be receptive to my letters which are attached below. I will update you again in due course. Once again, thank you for your engagement with this issue. Ian."
Latest news - 6 November 2024
RELAS is pleased to announce the release of its own AD6 report. You can now access the full report here: RELAS AD6 Stage 7 Common Submission
Latest news - 20 Sept 2024
We have two updates to provide:
1) London Luton Airport Development: Decision Extension
The decision deadline for the London Luton Airport expansion application has been extended to 3 January 2025.
For more details, you can view the official announcement here: London Luton Airport: Development Consent Decision Extension.
2) Noise and Airspace Week Announcement
On 16 September, Luton Airport sent a letter to residents affected by AD6, inviting them to attend the upcoming Airspace and Noise Week at Percival House, Percival Way, Luton, LU2 9NU, running from 14-17 October 2024.
This public event will cover various aspects of Luton Airport’s operations, including:
- Insights from the Flight Operations Team
- Information on the Noise Insulation Scheme
- Future airspace changes
- Presentations from National Air Traffic Services (NATS) on Air Traffic Control
- Pilots' perspectives on operating at LLA
This event is a great opportunity for residents to engage with industry professionals, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of one of the UK’s busiest airports.
To attend, please fill in the registration form here: Event Registration. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with parking details and session information. Each session will include a presentation followed by a Q&A.
Latest news - 29 Aug 2024
✪ This is now your final opportunity to provide feedback on Luton AD6 Airspace Change. We've provided a full guide on how you can do this. Please download our comprehensive guide document here: >> LINK <<
✪ The second issue at hand is Luton Airport's application for Development Consent for the Proposed Expansion, aiming to nearly double passenger capacity to 32 million per year. We have again produced a guide on how you can have your say on this. Please download our comprehensive guide on this topic here: >> LINK <<
Latest news - 21 Aug 2024
The RELAS report as promised in our 24 July update will now be available by 27 Aug and will be posted on our website for download.
Latest news - 24 July 2024
Further to our update on 20 July 2024, CAA has now extended the deadline for feedback until 11 September 2024. A reminder also that RELAS will provide an update at the end of this month when RELAS hopes to have the report available.
UPDATE 7 Aug 2024: The RELAS report is still pending and will be provided shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Latest news - 20 July 2024
The CAA has now published the Post-Implementation Review (PIR) stating they are "satisfied that the change sponsor has met the requirements of the Airspace Change Process". This means that AD6 is set to be approved. However, there is still a final chance to influence this decision by leaving feedback before 8 August 2024. This feedback is key as it is read by the CAA, unlike previous submissions that were passed to NATS/Luton.
RELAS is currently compiling a report which will be posted on the RELAS website on 31 July. The RELAS report will be analytically based and provides supporting evidence for the significant non-compliance of London Luton Airport with AD6. We hope you will use this report to support your feedback to the CAA.
In order for your CAA feedback to be effective, you should link to this report, once available, when leaving comments. This means feedback should be left between 31 July and 7 August. The PIR and feedback form can be accessed in the future here: LINK
Note you can only post ONCE using your email to this consultation, if you provide feedback before 31 July you will not be able to make use of RELAS' information.
RELAS is also reaching out to local representatives and MPs to write to the CAA to ask for an extension in the feedback time because most Parish Councils are unable to submit their feedback before they hold their next formal meeting in September. You may like to also reach out to your MP and/or Councils to remind them following the election actions are required in regards of Luton aircraft noise
Please follow the above link for the submission of feedback via the CAA portal once the RELAS report is available. Feedback is limited to 6000 characters, but may include weblinks to reference additional information.
Latest news - 17 June 2024
Have Your Say on the Impact of AD6 on London Luton Arrivals
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will publish the Post Implementation Review Data (PIR) of the Swanwick airspace change known as AD6 on 11th July 2024. This review will confirm whether the original changes are effective or require modifications.
You may be able to influence the outcome by responding to the CAA's report.
All residents affected by the changes to London Luton Arrivals have 28 days from the publication date (11th July) to submit their feedback to the CAA. This is your first chance to directly inform the CAA how AD6 has impacted you.
What you can expect:
- We hope to analyse and provide you a simplified version of the document very shortly after 11th July. There will be some instructions on how to submit your views to CAA within their CAP1616 process. In the meantime, please consider focusing on the points outlined below, which many residents have raised concerns about:
- The inappropriateness of LLA performing its own data analysis.
- Limited and unclear consultation process, particularly during Covid restrictions.
- Increased use of airbrakes and associated noise nuisance.
- Lack of pre-consultation ambient noise measurements in rural villages under the new flight path.
- Noise levels exceeding expectations.
- The increase in noise levels is higher in a rural setting than urban setting.
- Late-night and early-morning flights not disclosed or referenced in the consultation.
- Environmental impacts like air quality and tranquillity not adequately considered.
Visit the CAA website for more information and to submit your response.
On 11th July, the CAA website (link included above) will be updated with details of the report format and how to respond once it's published. We will provide this link on our website once that happens. Meanwhile, the following link provides further information on the PIR process generally should you wish to familiarise yourself: